
Cloudy mountain plots will be created from data contained in a dataframe.

What if you don’t have a dataframe to start with?

Simply create one from scratch with few lines of code:

  • In Python:
>>> import pandas #load the module

>>> mydata={} #create an empty hash

>>> mydata['Species']=["setosa", "setosa", .... "virginica"] #load data for categorical variable

>>> mydata['PetalWidth']=[0.2, 0.2, .... 1.8] #load data for dependent variable(s)

>>> df=pandas.DataFrame(mydata) #create the dataframe
  • In Julia:
julia> using DataFrames #load the module

julia> df=DataFrame() #create empty dataframe

julia> df.Species=["setosa", "setosa", .... "virginica"] #load data for categorical variable

julia> df.PetalWidth=[0.2, 0.2, .... 1.8] #load data for dependent variable(s)

You can refer to the excellent Pandas (for Python) or DataFrames (for Julia) online documentation for other ways to construct or modify your dataframe.