
All you need is a dataframe with your data [1] and a single call to the plotting function, as here detailed.

(See Dataframe for few lines of code to construct your dataframe in case you don’t have one to start with)

  • In Python:
>>> import plotly.graph_objects as go
>>> from cmplot import cmplot

 #call the cmplot directly inside a plotly Figure function as:

>>> go.Figure(*cmplot(mydataframe,xcol="xsymbol"))

 #alternatively get traces and layout as separate variables, so that you can modify them or combine with others before passing them to Figure() function:

>>> (traces,layout)=(cmplot(mydataframe,xcol="xsymbol"))

 #[...] do something with traces/layout

>>> go.Figure(traces,layout) #plot it
  • In Julia:
julia> using CMPlot

julia> using PlotlyJS

#call the cmplot directly inside a plotly Figure function as:

julia> plot(cmplot(mydataframe,xcol=:xsymbol)...)

#alternatively get traces and layout as separate variables, so that you can modify them or combine with others before passing them to Figure() function:

julia> traces,layout=cmplot(mydataframe,xcol=:xsymbol)

julia> # [...] do something with traces/layout

julia> plot(traces,layout) # plot it


[1]a dataframe with at least one column holding a categorical independent variable - we’ll refer to it as xcol - and at least one column holding a continuous dependent variable - which we’ll term ycol