
The plotting function for cloudy mountain plots is built on top of the freely available graphic library.

You can refer to the excellent online documentation to modify the layout, create subplots, retouch the subtraces or directly modify the cloudy mountain plot source code to add your own features to it:

Saving your plots

Orca (or more recently Kaleido) is used to export plots as images (see Static image export support).

  • In Python:
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> p1=go.Figure(*cmplot(mydataframe,xcol="xsymbol"))
>>> homedir = str(Path.home())+'/'
>>> p1.write_image(homedir+'output_filename.pdf')
  • In Julia:
julia> using ORCA
julia> p1=plot(cmplot(mydataframe,xcol=:xsymbol)...)
julia> savefig(p1::Union{Plot,PlotlyJS.SyncPlot}, joinpath(homedir(),"output_filename.pdf"))

Note: You can simply use .svg or .png extension in the output_filename string in order to export the plot in svg or png format)*